Saturday, June 16, 2012


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What does Botox treat?

Botox is an increasingly popular procedure that can treat a variety of aesthetic and medical conditions, listed below. It is estimated that 20% of recipients are now men, including celebrities such as Brad Pitt and Kevin Costner.
  • Crow's feet around the eyes
  • Frown lines between the eyebrows
  • Frown lines across the forehead
  • Angry-looking eyebrows
  • Wrinkles around the nose
  • Wrinkles around the lips
  • Pebbly or dimpled chin
  • Excessive appearance of upper gums while smiling
  • Excessive downward pointing of nose tip
  • Excessive underarm sweating
  • Bruxism (teeth clenching during sleep)
How safe is Botox?

Botox is very safe and well understood by medical experts. Botox has been thoroughly tested for safety, and studies indicate that there have been no long-term complications or hazards with its use. Its effects are reversible and temporary, so even if the results are not exactly what you had hoped for, they wear off over a few months. A treatment consists of a small fraction of a vial of of Botox, and it theoretically would have to take 35 complete vials injected into one person to have lethal consequences. As a precaution, I do not treat pregnant or nursing women with Botox.

How is this procedure performed?

After talking with us, and having a thorough examination of the area, we will discuss if you would benefit from an injection of Botox, and if so, which sites would accomplish the result that you're looking for. The procedure is generally performed with the patient sitting up in a chair, and the Botox is injected very superficially under the skin using very fine needles, and it is virtually painless. Botox prevents the appearance of wrinkles by relaxing the muscles used in certain facial expressions such as smiling, frowning, looking worried, or looking surprised. If the patient desires, a topical anesthetic can be applied prior to injection. Patients should not lie down for 3-4 hours after treatment, and should not rub the area of treatment during that time period. Other than that, patients can resume normal activity immediately.

Generally, the one-time treatment and visit will yield results lasting 3-5 months. You will see results anywhere from 24 hours to 14 days after the procedure. You may be asked to return for a 2-week follow up visit at no additional charge.

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